Tianjin: a cyberpunk Manhattan 30 minutes off Beijing

There is a city in eastern China, where slum-like neighborhoods stand just across of financial district’s skyscrapers, where chaotic markets and brothels neighbor luxurious estates and shopping malls. This city is Tianjin. Tianjin

The city is just 30 minutes ride from Beijing… But don’t think it is a suburb, Tianjin is a massive megalopolis with a population of 12+ million. Tianjin

Also it is much more modern and visually appealing than its better known neighbor. Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin

Tianjin is relatively easy to get and cheap, so you won’t need to break the bank for enjoying those magnificent views. High-speed train from Beijing to Tianjin will cost you something like $15 USD, a room in one of the tallest buildings would be in $90–150 bracket. Tianjin

Unforgettable feeling of having the world below you. Tianjin

Let’s get back to the contrast of the city. Just look from above, how different its districts look. Tianjin


Shady poor districts on the foreground, modern business districts nearby and the symphony of light near the the river with its luxurious housing estates. Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin

Take a look on amount of light used for highlighting upper floors of modern buildings. Tianjin

That is what I call a “Symphony of light”. Tianjin

Ground level

Let’s go down and explore poor districts at night. Tianjin

Shady streets full of brothels. I’ve shot it with my phone, sorry for the image quality. Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin

All in all it looks just poor, but not too dystopian… until you compare those districts to wealthy ones! Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin

If you’ve read till here, probably it is a time for you to pack things and visit Tianjin! Tianjin